Did I tell you about her little one who had stomach pains?
If someone calls with stomach pains, the department is there.
She claimed to have stomach pains, and died two days later.
Call your doctor at once if you have severe or unusual stomach pain.
She went to bed the night of January 17, 1943 and experienced the worst stomach pain yet.
Although her mother started getting better, she also began to complain of stomach pains.
When her mother was seven months pregnant, she had stomach pains and went to a hospital to find out why.
Stomach pain and diarrhea were also reported in several individuals.
It can cause side effects such as stomach pain and diarrhea.
These type of symptoms include stomach pain, and simply fatigue.
I too had abdominal pain and knew something was wrong.
Just about everybody at one point or another will experience abdominal pain.
But from her perspective, the abdominal pain was gone, and she had more energy.
Only 20% to 40% of people will initially have abdominal pain.
Many times the exact cause of abdominal pain is hard to find.
If symptoms are present, the most common one is abdominal pain.
Ask your child's doctor before giving any medicine for abdominal pain.
Do you have any other symptoms, such as lower abdominal pain?
Abdominal pain is almost always present and may be severe.
Later, at her party, everyone shows up but Frank, who has a stomach ache.
He imagined it would be like having a very bad stomach ache.
Some people drink it hot as a remedy for stomach ache.
A 13-year-old boy showed up complaining of a stomach ache.
With those changes comes stress and, in turn, a stomach ache.
The crushed leaves have been used in the treatment of stomach aches.
I had a stomach ache for the first two days.
Who among us hasn't had a stomach ache - and probably blamed last night's dinner?
Players would get weekly stomach aches and not be able to play that night.
Friends said Korshunova had a stomach ache before her death.