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The other struggled for a moment, then relaxed as the ferocious hold cut off wind and blood to the brain.
That said, I think it would be a mistake to write off wind power just because it isn't perfect.
Off winding farm roads, nestled adjacent to cotton fields and pastureland, fans gather in stands built to seat no more than a couple of hundred.
Shutters and blinds could hold off wind, but dankness seeped through and braziers availed little.
They are designed to look fashionable and provide warmth while remaining breathable and comfortable, rather than to ward off wind and rain.
And the stuff that rubs off winds up mostly in the atmosphere, as a nanoparticle smog which settles out on surfaces.
The circles turned and shifted as the mages used them like shields to keep boom-stones off Winding Circle.
The vortices don't form in winter, even through the same clouds are around due to the fast movement off winds caused by extratropical cyclones.
Enel said late last year that it hoped to spin off Wind in a public offering but that it would also consider bids for the company.
A spinnaker is a large, full sail that is only used when sailing off wind either reaching or downwind, to catch the maximum amount of wind.
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles can be powered off wind energy on a large scale, thus clearing the air of emissions and robbing despotic states of oil revenues.
The Western Cwm is also called the "Valley of Silence" as the topography of the area generally cuts off wind from the climbing route.
Tough evergreens that shrug off wind and shade include rockspray cotoneaster, Japanese holly, wintercreeper, and the many yews.
If you don't tension the boom bang when you're sailing off wind, the boom will just lift, the sail roll twist and you'll get bags of uncontrollable power.
A deal is not guaranteed, but Enel has postponed indefinitely its plans to spin off Wind in an initial public offering, with a view to getting a deal done instead, they said.
The album contains a version of every song off of Wound In Wall and Baby Teeth (minus the two instrumentals off Wound in Wall).
This is also commonly done by armoured, mechanised and other vehicle-borne troops who use it as a scarf in temperate climates to ward off wind chill caused by being in moving vehicles.
Nasty weather is the ancient enemy of farmers, of course, and even in this age of high-technology, nobody has yet figured out how to end a drought or stave off wind and freezing rain.
Rainproof ponchos normally are fitted with fasteners to close the sides once the poncho is draped over the body, with openings provided for the arms; many have hoods attached to ward off wind and rain.
Smith's theory is that heavy truck traffic on the bridge can set off wind gusts and create "roadway bounce," which might have been enough to cause Wiley to lose his balance after getting out of the car to inspect the scrapes.
On the Gulf Coast of Texas, Jim Hayes is building houses on concrete stilts that he says will shrug off winds of more than 130 miles an hour and will easily survive the worst hurricane flooding.
The enclave of 406 houses just west of the Whitestone Bridge in Queens has well-kept lawns off winding hilly streets along Powell's Cove, an indentation of the East River flanked by a preserve.
First simply lift the boat into the water but don't let go at this point because you'll find that the boat will drift faster than you can swim after it, then you lift the daggerboard here, halfway down because you'll be sailing off wind.
"When the amount of generation exceeds the export capacity, you have to start turning off wind generators" to keep things in balance, said Hunter Armistead, head of the renewable energy division in North America at Babcock & Brown, a large wind developer and transmission provider.
Yet, writer Gore Vidal, in his autobiography Point to Point Navigation, recounted that Gable demanded that Cukor be fired off Wind because, according to Cukor, the young Gable had been a male hustler and Cukor had been one of his johns.
Other ships were in motion, trying to move out into the open sea, away from Winding Circle.
The long narrow leaves can roll or fold, and the rough upper leaf surface, which contains the gas exchange openings (stomata), can orient itself away from wind.
However, scaling up acoustic deterrents to large volumes for applications such as keeping bats away from wind turbines is difficult because of the high atmospheric attenuation of ultrasound.
The TOTO crew had to quickly find a relatively level and firm surface, off the road, away from wind obstructions and potential debris generators (such as buildings and trees).
Recent efforts have been made to develop acoustic jamming deterrents to exclude bats from buildings or bridges, or to keep bats away from wind turbines where large numbers of mortalities occur.
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