Among the objectives to be served by zoning is to avoid mixing together of industrial, commercial, business, and residential uses.
To avoid mixing flavours, each guest is given a bowl of saffron scented water to dip the fingers in before starting on the next course.
As in a standard indigo dye pot, care has to be taken to avoid mixing in oxygen.
Most American groups, including those affiliated with religious organizations, strictly avoid mixing aid and missionary work.
The stucco will harden quickly, avoid mixing more than you can apply in an hour.
It seems likely, moreover, that the police deliberately avoided mixing it in the more perilous districts.
The company also suggests that people avoid mixing the drink with alcohol.
I prefer to avoid mixing varieties in the same group and to plant lower growing Felicia pappei with them, especially the pink forms.
The company is pressing parts designers to avoid mixing two types of plastic or metal and plastic in a single part.
I try to avoid mixing with them.