Officers live behind high walls, in manicured compounds of a luxury unimaginable to the average Pakistani.
The average Pakistani has to feed nine or ten people with their daily wage.
I just hope the average Pakistani doesn't get hurt.
For average Pakistanis, the scandal represents yet another disappointment.
I still wasn't tall enough to make it in pro ball, but I bet I could intimidate the hell out of the average Pakistani.
It would cement the economic well-being of the average Pakistani to the well-being of the United States.
"The army is still the most powerful institution in Pakistan, but the concern among the average Pakistani is growing that they've been in politics far too long."
In your experience, do the average Pakistanis you encounter have trouble processing the disconnect between a fairly lively media and press freedoms with so many dead journalists?
A 2007 report explained that Afghans are reportedly willing to work for lower wages than the average Pakistanis.
"You will notice that the average Pakistani is no longer obsessed with politics," one aide said.