He falls behind three months, and our attorney sues for back maintenance.
The attorneys general sued the tobacco companies as lawbreakers: this was a law-enforcement action, not a reimbursement settlement.
Individual attorneys general have sued tobacco companies under the settlement, but Lorillard's is the first suit brought by a tobacco company.
Another idea is to have the attorneys general sue in each state.
Her attorney successfully sued Hennepin County Sheriff Rich Stanek for violating her constitutional rights.
His attorney first sued Mattel in 1977.
In the middle of the press conference, when the news of Patrick's resurrection was being made, attorneys for Northern Case Mutual quietly entered the clerk's office downstairs and sued.
Larry's attorney (Lynn Whitfield) sues, and a custody arrangement is set up, which Diane soon breaks, explaining that her son needs more time with her.
The Murphys and their attorney, David Vladeck, then sued to require that the School District pay for the experts' fees incurred in the course of the trial.