Twenty-five athletes traveled to Marathon for the race from there to Athens, though only seventeen actually began the race.
Pools built specifically for water ramps are larger than Olympic size to accommodate the different distances that athletes travel forward of the ramp.
After all, professional athletes have rigorous training schedules and travel frequently.
These four athletes traveled to the Athletes' Performance training facility in Tempe, Arizona.
The name "20-yard shuttle" is derived from the total yards that athletes travel during the drill.
Still, American athletes are traveling to the Soviet Union in increasing numbers.
Around 830 athletes travelled in 21 floats along the parade, with each float carrying around 40 athletes.
Most Australian athletes traveled with only one wheelchair, in which they competed in multiple sports.
While many athletes travel with intimidating entourages, Bonds has two smiling publicists trying to humanize him.
During the celebration of the games, an Olympic Truce was enacted so that athletes could travel from their countries to the games in safety.