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When they got back to the car, the rabbi's driver stood with his door open, ashen faced.
He looked exhausted and ashen faced, but managed a thin smile.
As they filed out, they were ashen faced and silent.
When he was done, the Speaker of the Stars looked up, ashen faced.
Greg and Lanette came out of their rooms, ashen faced.
Then the theatre door opened wide and Rorke came out, ashen faced.
The Dude and the dentist were ashen faced, as I would have been in their shoes.
The three of us were sitting ashen faced as if we had just witnessed a foul and malignant murder.
The colonel had gone all ashen faced.
She lay ashen faced on the ground, her arm lying a step away like a grotesque stick of firewood.
She shook her head, ashen faced.
Willy, upright now, but still ashen faced, said, "No.
Padgett, ashen faced, was pressed against the wall of the cabin as if facing a firing squad.
Adam looked at Cindy - who was ashen faced - and then turned to stare up at the others.'
Ushiba was ashen faced "You'd better explain yourself."
Wesley Ames stood there, ashen faced.
Spratly stared at them, ashen faced.
Torak demanded of the other messengers, who all stood ashen faced and staring at their fallen compatriot.
The giant, ashen faced and breathing heavily, 'was stretched out full length on the dusty floor, both hands clutched over his crotch.
"Thanks," Sally said, ashen faced.
He added, "And there's always the thought of lowering the paper, ashen faced, muttering, 'Omigawd!
Perhaps Russell should check with Leinart, who sat ashen faced backstage a year ago when he slipped to the 10th pick.
He was ashen faced, his bottom lip trembling with exertion, and he was still clutching the wooden box. '
Most came out ashen faced, some completely dumbstruck murmuring to themselves, holding their prayer beads and counting the prayers as they moved the beads.