The ambush was in an area where the army was guarding the Trans-Andean oil pipeline.
As we agreed, my army will guard the underworld approaches to Caer Callidyrr.
Meanwhile, AFP reported that the Syrian army was guarding the entrance to the Old City.
Apart from the regular Byzantine garrisons, an indigenous army of peasant soldiers guarded the area and received in turn an allotment of tax-free government land.
We were weary and soon fell fast asleep beside our camp-fire, for, knowing that the whole army guarded us, we had no fear.
An entire army of Gnomes guarded Graymark's battlements and watchtowers.
I would have destroyed it the moment I discovered it but for the fact that the combined armies of these four dogs guard it as one!
Her army guarded the ornately carved doors to her apartments.
An army guarded each removal.
My armies guard us.