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She had never meant anything more ardently in her life.
A man breaks free from the community, ardently alone at the end.
In his heart he wished for nothing more ardently than our union.
For most of us believe ardently in the American idea that individual conscience is the real issue.
This system of teaching was ardently taken up by Eager.
Without discussion she would expect to love and ardently to be loved.
These men do their jobs in a town and a state that ardently support the death penalty.
They were, therefore, led to the point that was so ardently desired.
Ardently, she put her arms around his neck and kissed him.
That he wished, ardently, his children had never been born?
"I ardently hope that China will play an active role in this effort," he said.
My father ardently believed in the necessity of political reform.
And how ardently they grew to love their home under the ground; especially Wendy.
Mary was a couple of years older than he, but she pursued him ardently.
What can he be talking about so ardently with the other one?'
Some patients are just not going to succeed in making even ardently desired changes.
The girl was on the boy's lap, and they were kissing ardently.
He responded ardently, recognizing, as she did, how little time they had left.
We do not, for example, know why they pursue their kin so ardently.
As both a feminist and a supervisor, I hope ardently for that day.
He was married to an ardently enamored girl, but would have no children.
He was ardently opposed to the gold standard, and debt based money.
All of these had been ardently sought by the Hungarians.
Some said they were ardently opposed to the idea of allowing the Jews to return.
The job has been ardently sought by many of the world's biggest telecommunications companies.