These sculptures, as well as Olmec-style architecture, have led to speculation on the role that Olmec culture played in Zazacatla.
The specific architecture of earth houses usually leads to non-righted, round-shaped walls, which can cause problems concerning the interior decoration, especially regarding furniture and large paintings.
This well-preserved architecture, together with its connection to John Q.A. Ward, led to the house's addition to the National Register of Historic Places in 1974.
Their moral, cultural, and historical architecture was without precedent, and led Petrarch to create his own Trionfi on the same model.
Overall the general architecture from the Moche period leads us to believe it was a ceremonial or administrative center.
The house's well-preserved nineteenth-century architecture led to its placement on the National Register of Historic Places in 1979.
His reign's monumental architecture, numerous military campaigns and restoration of strong government have led historians to rank Suryavarman as one of the empire's greatest kings.
Standing before a group of tenants, she still gets spitting mad at the theory that high-rise architecture leads to anomie in the residents and urine in the halls.
The architecture leads the way with that famous Sydney Opera House turning out to be even more impressive than expected.
The distinctive brutalist architecture of Lovett has led many to compare it to a giant toaster.