Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
The head of the archdiocesan housing program told me the same thing.
The position of president was established in 1993 for all archdiocesan high schools.
"That is part of the archdiocesan policy on these matters."
Archdiocesan officials approved the plans every step of the way.
And archdiocesan officials suggested today that more changes lay ahead.
From 1977 to 1978, he taught in the archdiocesan major seminary.
It was promoted to archdiocesan status on March 10, 1962.
Father Foley told archdiocesan officials about the death, according to one memo.
He served as assistant superintendent of archdiocesan schools from 1944 to 1951.
Archdiocesan officials will wait until after the busy Easter season to address the questions, he said.
He died on 26 March 1994, at age 86, and is buried in the archdiocesan cathedral.
He is the former head of Toronto's archdiocesan marriage tribunal.
He told the archdiocesan staff that this was a prayer his faculty lived every day.
He also served as a judge on the archdiocesan matrimonial court.
But archdiocesan officials said the cost of repairs would be prohibitive.
Archdiocesan officials declined to set a timetable for making the changes official.
The cardinal did agree to allow the group to meet with other archdiocesan officials to discuss those issues.
Many archdiocesan insurance policies are insufficient or already tapped out.
The archdiocesan priests' council must also be consulted before the decisions are made final.
He has closed several schools and some archdiocesan offices.
"It would not be an archdiocesan school," she said.
Archdiocesan officials had said all along that talks about the donation were preliminary.
But archdiocesan officials said yesterday that the outdoor Mass was still being planned.
Archdiocesan officials also declined to discuss the specifics of the agreement.
Archdiocesan officials said today they could not comment on the specific documents because the case was in litigation.