Hamid, who himself attended Princeton and worked in corporate America, aptly captures the ethos and hypocrisies of the Ivy League meritocracy, but less so its individual members.
The story aptly captured the spirit of the Roaring Twenties, featuring settings and characters familiar to theatre audiences: a decadent Long Island mansion and notorious (but comic) bootleggers.
This name aptly captures the basic religious orientation of the Makuyas, who emphasize the significance of the personal, ineffable encounter with the Divine Presence in everyday life.
The metaphor of the stag's antlers for the scientists interested in h index seems to aptly capture the macho, competitive usage of the h index and related science metrics.
To the Editor: "The States Confront Stem Cells" (editorial, March 31) aptly captured the lost opportunities associated with our nation's absurdly piecemeal approach to properly regulated state-of-the-art research involving human embryonic stem cells.
Through interviews with students of Fu-Xing and their parents, McKiernan aptly captures the struggles and prejudices faced by Muslims in China, as well as the dreams of the youth and their hopes for education to change the future.
However, it aptly captures the capabilities of the Hungarian master in painting.
The word Naija aptly captures the variety of emotions I feel for my country, especially as it celebrates its 50th anniversary of independence.
It is a phrase that aptly captures the spirit of the book and the characters who populate its pages.
As always, Mr. Move plays Graham - both a genial and irritable hostess whom he aptly captures through versions of her dances, monologues taken from her writing and stories passed along by former dancers and friends.