The incredulous voice echoed in the high vaulting and bounced from the walls of the expensively appointed, blackwood paneled office.
She was appointed office a decade prior to the story and carries herself in a conceited, yet formal, aristocratic manner.
A paneled door led Bolan into a large, expensively appointed office.
She was formally appointed and assumed office on February 1.
Deeply committed to his adopted homeland, Washington held both appointed and elected office.
The General had a nicely appointed office.
Rayford and Amanda were ushered to garishly colored plastic chairs in a small, shabbily appointed military office, decorated in early Air Force.
Perry Mason bowed, said nothing, and followed Hartley Basset into a rather plainly appointed office.
On July 2, 1953, the first sets of local officials were appointed and assumed office, headed by the late Mayor Col. Antonio Lanzar.
"In your elegantly appointed office."