No such duty applied to rate-making authorities.
These courts were not subject to judicial review at all which only applied to administrative authorities and inferior courts.
They potentially apply also to regional authorities where these exist.
The Notes state that these powers will apply to the police, local authorities and "others."
This Section applies only to local authorities - see paragraph 2.3.
The companies, under the proposed bill, would still apply to local authorities, which would not be able to deny the applications based on any local restrictions.
Charities are not subject to the FOI act, which applies only to public authorities.
But in today's ruling, the court said mainland residents must return home and then apply to Chinese authorities to move to the territory.
The area got its name from John Throgmorton, who, with 35 families, applied to Dutch authorities for the right to occupy the land in 1642.
The duty to communicate applies just as much to ourselves, the Commission and national authorities.