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That was when her name became forever associated with Roquefort beignets on apple purée.
To serve, place a pile of apple purée into the centre of the soup bowl and top with a few gnocchi.
Apple purée 2 large Bramley apples, peeled and cored, juice of ?
Make the apple purée by slicing the apples into a small saucepan and adding the lemon juice and a dash of water.
There's an apple purée that I season with white miso - the mildest kind - to give the sweet fruitiness a salty tang.
Add the apple purée and gently fold in, but keep it quite rough - don't fold it in completely.
Gently stir the apple purée (and a little honey, if you prefer a slightly sweeter taste) into the porridge and serve at once.
Green apple purée: Purée three green apples in blender with 1/4 cup sugar and tablespoon of lemon juice.
Pork fillet sautéed with apple purée sounds dull but isn't, thanks in part to tender, flavorful pork, and a nice-sized potato cake on the side.
Her meals had a variety of dry finger foods like bread and butter, fish fingers or chips and some mushy foods like apple purée.
The superb menu includes an assortment of herring and cheeses and expertly roasted spare-ribs served with red cabbage and apple purée.
Spread the apple purée in the tart case then pile on about two thirds of the apple slices, sprinkling with half the caster sugar as you go.
A carpaccio of scallops, shrimp and duck liver, with a dollop of green apple purée and a ring of smoked aioli, typified the problem.
Braised pork belly was served with not only an apple purée but also a truffle sauce, and truffle oil inflected a Manchego risotto of sorts that accompanied poached shrimp.
There are lunch menus for $7 and $13.50; the main menu includes salad of pigs' trotters, spinach with ham and fried quails' eggs, sole with muscatel and rabbit with apple purée.
Another carpaccio of duck foie accompanied by scallops, prawns and apple purée was a close runner-up, so subtle and light that it seemed to disappear into thin air (and yet it haunted me for days).
Entrees include soft-shell crab with sesame seeds and almonds, chickpea purée, micro green salad and star anise sauce, and braised pork belly with Granny Smith apple purée, shiitake mushrooms, wilted watercress and truffle sauce.
His Midway burger comes with ginger coleslaw, and pork tenderloin becomes a modernized blue plate special, with savoy cabbage glazed with fennel seed and garlic, and, in a nod to lunch counter applesauce, an apple purée spiced with cardamom.
Mela Primavera Adapted from Fiamma 1 ounce Belvedere Cytrus 1 ounce green apple purée (see below) 1 ounce limoncello 1 ounce thyme syrup (see below) Juice of lime Fresh thyme sprig.
K Map Plop yourself down at a wooden table, note the lace curtains hiding you from the world, and pig out on fantastic old-fashioned classics like rognons de veau à l'ancienne (calf kidneys), boudin campagnard (black pudding) and sweet apple purée or roast quail with dates at this great bistro.