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I am told the former is quite definitely an appetite suppressant.
It is used in the weight loss industry as an appetite suppressant.
It is also used as an ingredient in appetite suppressants.
Several mechanisms of action are thought to be involved in the appetite suppressant effect.
There are no drugs or appetite suppressants in the pack.
And it's an appetite suppressant, which means that smokers eat less.
It was designed for use as an appetite suppressant, to be taken along with a certain pill.
Their effects are rather like those of appetite suppressants.
The report on the appetite suppressant is being published in today's issue of the scientific journal Nature.
Most are appetite suppressants that act on one or more neurotransmitters.
For generations it has been known to the traditionally living San people as an appetite suppressant.
It may help if you use an appetite suppressant.
It is an old drug, synthesized about 70 years ago for use as an appetite suppressant.
A child may also eat less because caffeine acts as an appetite suppressant.
Nonprescription appetite suppressants often work by making you less hungry.
Smoking, once popular as an appetite suppressant, is on the wane.
Drug companies have capitalized on that knowledge to create powerful new appetite suppressants.
One group of scientists is testing its effectiveness as an appetite suppressant in people who are overweight.
The animal starts eating more to counteract the appetite suppressant, he said.
Most over-the-counter and herbal products for weight loss are appetite suppressants.
Appetite suppressants are only intended for use for a short time (8 to 12 weeks).
Until now, Americans looking for a pill to help them lose weight have had only one option: appetite suppressants.
It is also an appetite suppressant and excellent source of roughage.
Appetite suppressants can be obtained by a doctor's prescription or purchased over the counter.
Doctors sometimes prescribe cocaine as an appetite suppressant, for people who want to lose weight.