An anonymous benefactor has lent the company $1.25 million that must be matched three to one by June 30, 1992.
He remained in prison until an anonymous benefactor paid the fine by mail.
An anonymous benefactor provided the money and, earlier this year, the deal was done.
The company, with debts of $900,000, had been seeking help from an anonymous potential benefactor for the last two months.
The company reportedly got its start with a bequest from an anonymous benefactor.
One anonymous benefactor sent his $600 tax rebate check with a simple message: "Put it toward the cause."
This work, his first, was published in London through the generosity of an anonymous benefactor.
A low interest loan from an anonymous benefactor allowed the concrete floor to go in.
That is one reason he counts on the annual gift from the town's anonymous benefactor.
An anonymous benefactor matched the donations of the school in 2008 and 2009.