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The average annual precipitation is between 10-15 inches per year.
The mean annual precipitation in the range is five inches or less.
These systems contribute about 2% of the annual precipitation for the region.
Average annual precipitation in this region is around 3000 mm.
The area gets only 50 to 60 days of annual precipitation or more rainfall.
The average annual precipitation ranges from 0 to 0.8 inches.
The mean annual precipitation is 662mm, with rain falling on an average of 36 days per year.
The average annual precipitation is between 600 and 700 millimeters.
Annual precipitation varies from 2 to 14 inches throughout most of the state.
There is considerable snow, but limited annual precipitation in general.
Low annual precipitation and high winds are characteristic of the region.
It is a polar desert with very little annual precipitation.
Annual precipitation ranges widely in various parts of the country.
The rainfall total represented about 36% of the town's average annual precipitation.
Annual precipitation is low, with an average of 377mm.
Normally less than 10 percent of the annual precipitation falls during the winter.
The total annual precipitation might decrease, but there is a significant share of uncertainty.
The city has dry weather with around 13" of annual precipitation.
The annual precipitation amount averaged over the last 18 years is about 650 mm.
In fact, on average, about 60% of Asmara's annual precipitation is seen during these two months.
Average annual precipitation is 1314 mm, more than double that in London.
Annual precipitation accounts for 50 to 100 percent of possible evaporation.
Annual precipitation amounts vary greatly from one year to another.
Like most areas in this part of North America, annual precipitation is low.
One is rain; parts of Alaska record annual precipitation in feet, not inches.