Once welcomed to the family, the groom may be given an animal totem depending on the ethnic group with which he marries into.
Another difference concerned the animal totems - the characters worried that they might lose control of their animal forms while in them.
One never spoke the name of one's animal totem; that would anger it.
For Lleida, the dragon is an animal totem of Lleida.
Much of Aboriginal art is transitory, drawn in sand or on the human body to illustrate a place, an animal totem, or a tribal story.
(In this case, the name of the tribe is not a reference to an animal totem.)
For me, the animal totem for these dreams is the antelope, swift, strong and elusive.
Each Sazer is based on a Zodiac sign represented in an animal totem or spirit representation.
Some feel closer to their animal totem, while others may identify with something akin to a deeper side or part of their own psyche (see: Therianthropy).
Their animal totem is the savannah monitor - fasaax (and/or iguana).