Age' article: " Catholic leaders get an angry sermon".
In response, Father Claude Heithaus, professor of Classical Archaeology at the Catholic Saint Louis University, delivered an angry sermon accusing his own institution of immoral behavior in its segregation policies.
He is reportedly delivering long, angry sermons at executive committee meetings and threatening to sell Digital to General Electric if things do not get better.
Without education for all and a rise in living standards neither new laws nor angry sermons, like those delivered by Mr. Wisdom at his bamboo-walled church here, will make much difference.
The stabbing brought massive complaints from viewers, and Mary Whitehouse delivered an angry sermon about television violence.
In a ceremony filled with cornet flourishes and angry sermons, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre brought about the first major schism in the Roman Catholic Church in more than a century today when he consecrated four bishops in defiance of the Pope's orders.
Also cut from the programme was a valedictory soliloquy by Edmund as he prepares to go into exile, bidding farewell to the castle turrets, and King Richard preaching an angry sermon from the pulpit at the funeral of the dead Archbishop Godfrey.
But by its end, he had instead spun an angry sermon on the nation's duty to a generation of children whose hearts, he said, were being "turned to stone" by violence and neglect.
Threats against legislators, angry sermons, organised protest meetings and radio and television campaigns all attempted to rally opposition to the bill.
Anwar al-Awlaki was a member of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and wrote angry and ugly sermons for them.