In any event, most analysts say demand for balloon angioplasty will remain high.
Sometimes, balloon angioplasty may be done instead of surgery, but it has a higher rate of failure.
Doctors performed a balloon angioplasty on him to clear his blocked artery.
It is treated with the use of balloon angioplasty and stents, if necessary.
But he noted that the study did not take into account the relatively recent use of a technique called balloon angioplasty.
This procedure is done in combination with balloon angioplasty or stenting.
But none of the new devices has proven successful enough to replace balloon angioplasty.
The balloon angioplasty was done in the pigs' groin arteries.
They have had a substantial impact on improving the outcomes of patients treated with balloon angioplasty.
The invention expands upon the popular technique known as balloon angioplasty.