The Angel of Faith asks the player to release the three other angels to bring his brother back.
I'll try to fill it in, which is why, I guess, the angel brought me back from the dead.
Could a monster have a soul, or an angel bring suffering to the innocent?
We will come back in a month, and the angel in your son will bring him to you; I promise it.
At once, the Holy One, blessed be He, sent these three angels to bring her back.
Or if angels should come down from the skies and bring some nice cool fresh water with them.
Lastly, the angel who watches me brought you here in time before I was quite cooked through.
My angels will bring me the manna that cometh down from heaven.
"The angel is bringing him to heaven, I guess."
I ask Mam if the angel just brings the babies and then forgets about them.