He wrote a treatise on marriage, De re uxoria, inspired by ancient Latin and Greek sources, which he wrote in just 25 days.
In ancient Latin, the library was known as the (see image at right).
Other important satirists in ancient Latin are Lucilius and Persius.
During the Middle Ages, one language was used in churches all across Europe - Church Latin, which had developed from ancient Latin.
On studio albums, writes and performs songs in Spanish, English, French and even the ancient Latin.
As it unrolled before his eyes he saw a manuscript in ancient Latin, marred by changes and erasures, yellowed by age.
Those scrolls must have been in ancient Latin.
Gavin also shares an origin with the Italian name Gavino, which dates back to ancient Latin.
However, Mass for Mankind (Gloria Culpa) is sung entirely in the ancient Latin.
At least, I assume it's a clan; that's what "gens" meant in ancient Latin.