Eye gougings and limb amputations are not uncommon in the middle east.
Veterinarians have reported cases among dogs after they underwent a limb amputation and other kinds of surgery.
Many people with severe diabetes experience poor circulation, which can lead to gangrene and ultimately, limb amputation.
Athletes with upper limb amputations compete in category T46.
The cuddly side of limb amputation under the Taliban?
Without prompt treatment, this infection can result in brain damage, hearing loss, learning disabilities, kidney failure, limb amputation and even death.
The prevalence of phantom pain after limb amputation ranged from 50% to 78%.
The sooner treatment begins, the more likely you will recover from the infection and avoid serious complications, such as limb amputation or death.
More than 50% of lower limb amputations in the United States occur among people with diabetes.
Thirty-seven prisoners had been sentenced to limb amputations, he said.