Congress later phased out these overtime exemptions when amending the Act in 1974.
The legislature has since amended the "Act" numerous times.
These changes came into force on 3 August 2009 and amended the 1997 Act, which still remains the principal planning act in Scotland.
In August 2006, the Federal Government amended the Act.
What is needed is for Parliament to amend the Act so that it explains exactly how far the rule-making powers go.
Thus, it was felt to amend the Act relating to the University.
As a result, the government was forced in 2006 to abandon their original plans to introduce the Bill outright and had to amend the 1983 Act instead.
After the ensuing uprorar, work began immediately on amending the Act, which had not yet come into force.
In 1972, the government was forced to amend the Act in order to legalise the detention of internees arrested by soldiers.
However, it must only amend the Act of Union, not negate it?