"At this I produced from my handbag a map showing the various configurations of Germany in the past, which were not altogether reassuring about the future," she recalls.
They were respectful, and appeared willing to believe, but the mere sight of me did not altogether reassure.
It cannot be altogether reassuring to voters that someone who has been a city official for so long and claims to have done so much should still have to introduce himself.
The metaphor, so Gersen recognized, was abstracted from the language ofhadaul and was not altogether reassuring.
This was not altogether reassuring.
The face of a perplexed child, scissored from a painting and collaged onto a surface of various reds by Gloria Rodriguez of Jersey City, is haunting, and the title, "Picture of Inner Clarity," isn't altogether reassuring.
Whatever one's views on that, the power of a figure like Mr. Johnson or Ms. Bergalis to command the tube and influence public attitudes is not altogether reassuring.
The fact that he wanted my company, coupled with his unsettling look, was not altogether reassuring.
Short term or big picture, his words were measured and not altogether reassuring.