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But the number of companies using alternative work schedules is on the rise.
If they lose this money they will have to look for alternative work.
A two-way bridge had been opened between mainstream and alternative work.
"In the communities where these plants are located there isn't an alternative work force.
Although some principals said they would grade the alternative work, none of it will be considered valid by the state.
Some of them found alternative work in Sydney and dropped out of the record.
The majority of the lawyers who responded said they had alternative work arrangements were self-employed.
What compensation and alternative work would there be for health workers who became infected and were forced out of practice?
If they are selected for redundancy, you must consider them for any alternative work that might be available.
Many states are now pondering bills that would allow students to complete alternative work in science if they oppose dissection.
In many cases companies might find alternative work for their employees, or even create new jobs for them within their capabilities.
An organization would be most unlikely to dismiss them without good reason, and if it were to they would have little difficulty finding alternative work.
This may include such opportunities as unpaid leave, alternative work assignments, or disability leave.
Possibilities will vary between organisations but may include alternative work - such as mentoring (see below), more flexible hours or retirement.
The law also required that employees without regularly scheduled work breaks be given 15 minutes of alternative work after every two hours at a terminal.
"He had such a genuine love and support of alternative work, but he would also champion a good Broadway musical.
"People in alternative work arrangements" includes independent contractors, employees of contract companies, workers who are on call, and temporary workers.
Having regard to this possibility negotiations extended to suitable alternative work which would keep the factory reasonably employed.
His catering experience allowed him to find alternative work in the canteen of a miners' hostel.
To avoid the threatened layoffs, General Motors and local union officials negotiated an alternative work rotation plan.
And Peat Marwick is exploring alternative work schedules for all of its people.
I walked into every office in the university's entomology department and introduced myself and asked them, 'What kind of alternative work are you doing?' "
In fact, almost a third of those whose posts were closed found alternative work within GNM.
Over time, community use of the gompa also declined as the local population moved away in search of alternative work and livelihood.
Fortunately both he and his wife found alternative work; they saved their money and were able to move into the Palms at a much reduced rate.