He says he wishes he were getting a high school diploma along with his classmates at commencement, June 20.
"His teacher reports he gets along with all his classmates but hasn't really connected with any of them," Ms. Sestito said.
She, along with her other classmates, tries to avoid her after learning this.
Manabe is the only boy who doesn't get along with his classmates.
On weekends, he preached at small country churches impressing the congregation along with his classmates.
Gruppo started wearing the patch and quit along with her classmates, who kept her accountable.
It turns out he, along with his classmates, volunteered to give lessons to peasant boys (who were "so respoding and so quick in learning!")
The successes in the program were all among these children, who were promoted along with their classmates.
Their behavior is marked by an inability to concentrate on their schoolwork or to get along with their classmates.
Qian had volunteered to be a part of the "traffic safety day" along with his classmates.