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There is very little they don't understand about the almighty dollar except, perhaps, how to hold onto one.
Americans pay homage to the almighty dollar, and nothing else.
The big thing is what makes America run: money, the almighty dollar."
The almighty dollar or the love of the game?
But to retrieve the lost material, the military decided to rely on the almighty dollar.
If I was only interested in the almighty dollar, I'd have left a long time ago.
In contemporary Cuba, that old expression "the almighty dollar" really means something.
Papa would think that an odd way to describe the Almighty dollar.
"I was also amazed at their dedication to the almighty dollar.
That's when I started to say there's got to be more to life than chasing the almighty dollar."
He also gave the world the memorable phrase "pursuit of the almighty dollar".
Is this a witty welcome mat to the land of the almighty dollar?
They believe instead in the almighty dollar and in the central bank that stands behind it.
These guys are way overpaid and have no loyalty except to the almighty dollar.
The safe bet on the almighty dollar will cost most people about 7 percent of the money they are trying to hoard.
We have simply lost sight of the interest of the people in order to pursue the almighty dollar.
They have the influence of the almighty dollar.
"And the almighty dollar is not an issue."
Why is it you become so damned technical when it comes to the almighty dollar?
I mean we could if humanity as a whole would stop chasing the almighty dollar, reform copyright laws, and think down the road a bit.
When the almighty dollar's involved, human beings are disposable roadblocks to the bottom line.
The song addresses the evils of the almighty dollar.
"They are trying to implant the capitalist psychology, and set as their primary goal the almighty dollar.
The ultimate American value (the value of the almighty dollar) is about to be reaffirmed.
Even a Yankee should see that-if he can take his eye off the almighty dollar long enough."