It also featured a hornlike projection on the bottom, aimed downward.
Instead, he configured two rings of loudspeakers hung from the ceiling 100 ft (30 m) above the ground, aimed downward.
Tucking my wings in, I aimed downward, diving toward the ground at more than two hundred miles an hour.
A prompt hand aimed downward at the rolling inspector.
Marksmen sprang to the stairs, aimed downward and fired savagely into the lower darkness.
The agency may require that light-truck headlights be mounted lower or aimed downward.
Fang nodded at me, and we aimed downward, enjoying the heady rush of losing altitude.
He preferred to stand, his shoulders held with military stiffness, his gaze aimed downward.
They are aiming downward, hoping to reach a level of stable temperatures in the rocks, where night and day do not effect it.
They held long and deadly weapons equipped with telescopic sights, aimed downward.