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He characterized Iran as an aggressor nation that should be deprived of arms.
"Japan was by no means the aggressor nation."
The United States would not be viewed as a cruel aggressor nation by millions around the world.
"They'd do what aggressor nations always do," Herbert said.
It showed that Albert Kunner was a captain in the army of an aggressor nation overseas.
Worth mentioning is the fact that, though Iran was a victim of international aggression for eight years, it paid up all loans, even to aggressor nations.
He calls Israel "an aggressor nation" and says Egypt should shun it, if not sever the peace treaty.
In October 1937, he gave the Quarantine Speech aiming to contain aggressor nations.
An aggressor nation has no right to legislate a procedure delaying the victim nation's peaceful steps to redress the wrong perpetrated.
Nick, the Prince of Cypress, has left the castle in order to defeat Iom, an aggressor nation.
As the new war progressed, the aggressor nation began developing a secret weapon: a powerful military satellite with enough power to potentially lay waste to the entire world.
But the pact did serve a certain propaganda purpose among the world's gullible and it brought together for the first time the three have-not and aggressor nations.
"Some twenty-five years ago Joneses were everywhere among us and not, as now, withdrawn to South Continent and organized into a ruthless aggressor nation.
And, of course, Desert Storm was a significant and major accomplishment, because it said to aggressor nations: you can't just go take over a friendly country next door."
Under Attlee's leadership, the Party was drawn, almost inexorably, to a commitment to collective international security and its implication that war was necessary in order to curb aggressor nations.
Ostensibly, they accepted the need for disarmament and the maintenance of the peace by sanctions, and even military action, organized by the League of Nations against aggressor nations.
Some modern Japanese commentators say the note was designed to draw Japan into war and thus claim Japan was not the aggressor nation in the Pacific War.
In addition, on October 5, President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave the Quarantine Speech, calling for the United States to help nations fight against aggressor nations.
Against democratic aggressor nations, this strategy can be used to play on the electorate's patience with the conflict (as in the Vietnam War, and others since) provoking protests, and consequent disputes among elected legislators.
The Nagasaki mission is described, showing the two plants that were the basic targets, and the valley that they planned to bomb, and then shows the mushroom cloud, "The baptism of the aggressor nation"
In the light of the threat posed by the collective might of the nations of a collective security coalition, the aggressor nation will modify its policies, or if unwilling to do so, will be defeated.
By placing missiles underground in widely separated locations, it was hoped that regardless of the size of a Soviet missile attack, enough US missiles would survive to ensure devastation on the aggressor nation.
The film then cuts to a montage of American foreign policy decisions, with the intent to contradict McCollum's statement by citing examples of how the United States has frequently been the aggressor nation.
U.N. Allows Show of Force Article 42 of the United Nations Charter permits "demonstrations" of military power to warn an aggressor nation that the Security Council is contemplating military action.
I also ask this Congress for authority and for funds sufficient to manufacture additional munitions and war supplies of many kinds, to be turned over to those nations which are now in actual war with aggressor nations.
It has no history of being a colonial power, nor an aggressor state.
Second, that the war has the justification of driving back an aggressor state which refused all opportunities to retreat.
Lyne says Brown referred to Iraq as an "aggressor state".
Iraq is surely an aggressor state; but it can also respond rationally to diplomatic incentives.
The doctrine is divided into four different threshold before the weapons are being operationally charged during the conventional and nuclear war with an aggressor state.
Furthermore, external subversion is where, "the aggressor state attempts to recruit and assist indigenous political and military actors to overthrow their government by coup d'état."
A lot of the text was aimed at small farmers, demanding to know why our government ignored their plight in order to bankroll a politically unstable Middle East aggressor state.
It is often used to refer to a strategy in power politics whereby a state tries to get another state to deter, or possibly fight, an aggressor state while it remains on the sidelines.
According to the sources, the doctrine advances and entails a stage-by-stage level of advancement in which the nuclear threat is increased at each step to deter India (or any aggressor state) from attacking, as it is listed below:.
"The conviction of the majority is that Iran is the aggressor state," he said, adding that "the conviction that it is the aggressor state is widening and deepening in the organization."
In 1967, Turkey joined the Arab condemnation of Israel after the Six-Day War and called for Israel's withdrawal from the occupied territories but abstained from voting in favor of a clause referring to Israel as an "aggressor state."
However, he concedes that 'state practice on this question is not unequivocal but indicates that the governments of the United States, France, Canada, and the United Kingdom regard the use of nuclear weapons as permissible against an aggressor state irrespective of the weapons employed by the latter'.
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