After a taste of the beer, everyone headed back for the vote.
That wine is much too good to be left after a single taste, and I really hate drinking alone.
Timett had chosen to retreat back up to the cellar after a brief taste of the cold below.
A visitor's admiration after a taste made him smile as he leaned on his cane.
It gives you a considerable weapon if he should change his mind about a second term after a taste of power.
Imagine what it would be like to awaken to the real world after a taste of heaven.
After a sniff and a taste, he added another splash of red wine to the mixture.
No wonder that Leon, after a taste of normal worlds, had sworn that he would never return.
After a taste of fresh parsley, one girl pronounced, "It's good - just like at a restaurant."
"It's like each ingredient has gone bad in a completely different way," Frank commented after a taste.