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On the positive side was the fact that John was still afebrile.
These same mechanisms maintain normal core body temperature in afebrile individuals.
She was seen to be afebrile with a tender rigid abdomen on admission to her local hospital.
Patients with this mutation have both febrile and afebrile seizures.
Often, the white blood cell count will be normal and the patient will be afebrile.
"She's afebrile and the fetal monitor tracing is reactive.
The lymph nodes may suppurate and most patients can remain afebrile or asymptomatic.
On physical examination she was afebrile but looked hypothyroid with a large, firm, generalised thyroid swelling.
An organism at optimum temperature is considered afebrile or apyrexic, meaning "without fever".
Patients usually present with hypocalcaemia, tetany, or afebrile convulsions at any age.
A clinician should immediately consider acrodynia in an afebrile child who is sweating profusely.
Afebrile infections of UR and GU tracts permitted to pass.
Comment: Generally feel lousy with increased fatigue and though without acute infection, I do experience afebrile chills & sweats.
"She's afebrile, normal vital signs, normal blood work, normal urine, and normal cerebral spinal fluid."
The patient, who had onset of an illness consistent with SARS on December 16, 2003, is currently afebrile and in good condition.
Tumor-associated fevers may be cyclic, occur at a specific time of the day, or be intermittent, alternating with afebrile periods lasting days or weeks.
This phenomenon is actually quite common, with about 42% of individuals with PKD reporting a history of afebrile seizures as a child.
B. recurrentis has longer febrile and afebrile intervals and a longer incubation period than Borrelia hermsii.)
Panayiotopoulos syndrome probably affects 13% of children aged 3 to 6 years who have had 1 or more afebrile seizures and 6% of such children in the 1- to 15-year age group.
Typically, the intravenous antibiotics are continued until the patient is afebrile for at least 24 to 48 hours, then equivalent oral antibiotic agents can be given for a total of 2-week duration of treatment.
These include febrile seizures that end by age 6 (FS), such seizures extending beyond age 6 that may include afebrile tonic-clonic, myoclonic, absence, atonic seizures and myoclonic-astatic epilepsy.
PKD has also been linked with infantile convulsions and choreoathetosis (ICCA) syndrme, in which patients have afebrile seizures during infancy (benign familial infantile epilepsy) and then develop paroxysmal choreoathetosis later in life.