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He studied possibilities of applying aerological data to the weather forecast.
Table of results from aerological observations.
Florence Van Straten, a chemist, worked as an aerological engineer.
Tables used for compiling aerological observations from upper-air soundings.
E1000 Estegram Plot of pseudo wet-bulb temperature against pressure for an aerological sounding.
He also received a master's degree in aerological engineering from the United States Naval Academy in 1943.
D0250 Depegram Curve, plotted using data from an aerological sounding, which represents the dew point as a function of pressure.
There are theory sessions to help you understand the the effect of differing weather and aerological conditions as well as basic piloting rules and regulations.
The Catawaba comes equipped from the factory with more extensive oceanographic, communications, navigational, aerological and plotting equipment than any ship its size in the world.
T0820 Thetagram Aerological diagram whose co-ordinates are the equivalent potential temperature (or pseudo-potential temperature) and the pressure.
A1150 Air-mass analysis Identification of the various air masses on a synoptic chart or aerological diagram and the determination of their physical characteristics and development.
A0800 Aerological diagram Thermodynamic diagram used for aerological and synoptic analyses.
Twelve sondes were prepared for that purpose at Pavlovsk Observatory under Molchanov's leadership and successfully launched, conducting the first aerological observations in the Arctic.
Florence "Flossie" van Straten (1913 - 1992) was an aerological engineer known for advancing the science of naval meteorology during and after World War II.
Observers Environment Canada has contracted out most of the real-time observing programs; however, there is still a small core of positions requiring skills in both surface and aerological observing.
After graduation in mathematics in 1912, Väisälä worked for the Finnish Meteorological Institute in aerological measurements, specializing in the research of the higher troposphere.
As the survey results became available, construction began on a radio and aerological station on Akia Island and airfields at Narsarsuaq and at Kipisako near Ivittuut.
During World War I and the following decades, naval aerological specialists applied the fledgling concepts of air masses and fronts to warfare and provided forecasts to the first transatlantic flight.
Other significant accomplishments by Berson include climatic studies with weather kites off of Svalbard, pioneer meteorological observations from German East Africa, and aerological research over the Amazon Basin.
The first flights of aerological instruments were done in the second half of the 19th century with kites and meteographs, a recording device measuring pressure and temperature that was recuperated after the experiment.
The third interest is focused on the operational integration of wind, temperature and humidity in order to obtain an automatic ground-based remote sensing profiling system which could be installed in the aerological station of Payerne (MeteoSwiss).
The Clarence Leroy Meisinger Award, given to an individual in recognition of research achievement that is, at least in part, aerological in character and concerns the observation, theory, and modeling of atmospheric motions on all scales.
Bericht über die aerologische Expedition des Königlichen Aeronautischen Observatoriums nach Ostafrika im Jahre 1908, 1910 - Report on the aerological expedition of the Royal Aeronautical Observatory to East Africa in 1908.
It was named by the United States Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names (US-ACAN) for Lieutenant Jack A. Odbert, assistant aerological officer with Operation Windmill which established astronomical control stations in the area in January 1948.
Initially fitted out as a gunboat, the vessel was converted to peace time status at the Coast Guard Yard at Curtis Bay, Maryland through the removal of much of her armament and installation of observation facilities and aerological equipment, a conversion completed in May 1946.