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He takes a deep breath and lifts the adz.
He sets aside the adz, leaning it against the wheelbarrow.
Its point was roughly sharpened, probably with an adz.
She works in an advertising company called adz.
The Age of Adz received widespread critical acclaim upon its release.
As a common noun it describes a woodworking tool which, in English, is called an adz.
The insect veers away, but he knows it will return as soon as both hands are back on the adz.
"Adz" has virtually no narrative: its goal seems to be to explore the emotions the music creates as it is creating them.
Almost immediately, we ran into the headman, humming to himself as he used an adz to shape a boat out of a tree trunk.
Now that Matt noticed it, there were two more members to the group, one with a quarterstaff and the other with an adz.
I guess 'Bring your adz' is the ukulele version of the expression."
Historic illustrations do show some Asian carpenters hewing building timbers with an adz.
"Chisels, planes, a small crosscut saw, an adz head, that sort of thing.
No one had ever made this trip, and all they had for equipment was a carpenter's adz and 90 feet of rope.
The head has two long steel blades, one like an adz and the other like a narrow ax or the point of a pickax.
Many reviewing sites included The Age of Adz in their best of 2010 lists.
The ADZ was first published in 1993.
With my adz I can hollow out a smooth seat and make spindles for the back of it of willow whips.
Posted by Adz on July 12th, 2003.
"Adz Weaver, do you understand maps?"
They watched Adz draw detail into kinless territory.
The tools shown are easier to fathom, especially two powerfully shaped copper pieces, each combining an adz and an ax.
"Brewer's hardware store in Mamaroneck still stocks a number of the old tools we use, such as a hand-held adz."
He raises his triangle hoe, a kind of hand adz, and drives it into the earth beside a seedling with smooth opposed leaves.
"Bring Your Adz"
He looked around and put out his arm to find an adze.
I feel faint even watching a man pick up an adze.
The adze is a heavy tool and can do a lot of damage.
He sang, Knots are very hard to cut with an adze.
When in human form, the adze has the power to possess humans.
When he came running, he had an adze in one hand.
He was given a wife, an adze, and a salmon trap.
"You could use just an adze, but fire makes it go faster.
He picked up the adze, turned the next barrel, and began shaping.
Under the blows of his adze, an African mask quickly takes shape.
Made it over into the shape of an adze.
She had once been familiar with every adze mark on the beams overhead.
An adze to shape the boy you will name your heir."
He pitched forward, hand still on the haft of the adze.
All the men jumped off, put down their adzes and picked up short lengths of wood.
Let's see, well need the adze to chop up ice."
Copper was known, and some copper adzes have been found.
This is first done by "working" it with an adze lengthwise, along the grain.
It is believed the site was primarily a factory for making stone adze heads.
People, male or female, possessed by an adze are viewed as witches.
Their only weapons were the bow, adzes and wooden harpoons.
He dug the grave himself with a stone adze.
"If you're so eager to learn boat making, why don't you pick up an adze and help?"
The burnt wood was then removed using an adze.
A stone adze was used by relatively gentle but regular and repeated blows.