His lyrics advocate global equality, social justice and reconciliation and he is often cited for having reinvented music for social change for the internet generation.
Our African policy has advocated political reconciliation and negotiated solutions.
Marika advocated understanding and reconciliation between Aboriginal and Western cultures.
She emerged advocating forgiveness and reconciliation.
In this first of the 6 Antitheses Jesus has been attacking anger and advocating reconciliation.
While most of the country's leaders have advocated racial reconciliation through forgiveness, Ms. Mandela has kept up her militant rhetoric.
In 1990, with the start of the civil war, Daar and about 100 other Somali politicians signed a manifesto expressing concern over the violence and advocating reconciliation.
Through his writings and lectures at home and abroad, Tutu consistently advocated reconciliation between all parties involved in apartheid.
He advocated reconciliation almost up to the moment that Florida passed its ordnance of secession.
Starting in the mid-1920s, Massigli came to relax his views, and started to advocate reconciliation with Germany, through not at the expense of French security.