The administrators also sent a letter to the Times, which was printed.
The company's medical administrator sent Mr. Arlt a letter last fall formally telling him that he was not a victim of asbestos.
Two administrators of the university's business school later sent an e-mail message to 150 supporters and alumni soliciting donations for the campaign, the newspaper reported.
The administrator must send a notice of his or her appointment to the Registrar.
The administrator must send a copy of the order to the Registrar within 14 days of the order being made.
The administrator must send notice to the Registrar, the court and each creditor.
The administrator, Jane F. Garvey, will send a letter to all pilots in this country to alert them to the new procedures, the agency said.
Faculty members and administrators must send our students the same strong message that the Cambodians sent their students: "We are serious; no more cheating."
The administrator must send a copy of the order with the relevant form to the Registrar.
The administrator must send notice of this to the Registrar and the company will be dissolved 3 months after the date the form is registered.