Arcesilaus actually breed horses which were the native horses of Libya.
Brian and the kids run into Sachariah, who lets them know that they actually bred three cats, not two.
"You aren't actually breeding any bugs like that, are you?"
"People actually breed and sell wolves."
You're actually breeding and you're still hopping about in boy's clothes and fencing?
At Beijing University, President Clinton said: "Freedom strengthens stability. . . . A greater respect for divergent political and religious convictions will actually breed stability."
"The choice results in the siring of a different set of protagonists for the following generation, thus allowing the player to actually breed his or her own choice of hero."
Q. So how did you get Emi and Ipuh to actually breed?
I've tried, but if you actually breed . . . .actually have a baby, I just don't get that.
The latter is actually breeding quite happily in the show tank.