The sections on actual musicians are full of inference about reactions and motives - a perilous critical stance.
In particular, musicians are worried about "virtual orchestras," advanced synthesizers that imitate the sound of actual musicians.
Who would expect an actual thought-out project by an actual musician at Christmas?
In April Skies (2005) the actual live musicians take part.
Inside the diner, they see several people and are convinced that the people are actual dead musicians, not impostors.
"These performances...are nothing less than impeccable and thoroughly idiomatic; a group of actual French musicians could not improve upon them."
"Kansas City" is good-hearted in that it uses actual young musicians playing actual music.
In many cases all of the MIDI instrumentation is replaced by actual musicians.
Obviously the current crop are simply the proof-of-concept testers, not the actual musicians.
Here's a little quiz: Which of the following remarks were made by or about actual heavy-metal musicians?