In the first method, actors portray and record certain body movements.
The actor agreed and recorded them so that he could lip-synch to them on the set.
Each actor recorded their part individually, taking anywhere from fifteen minutes to four hours depending on the scene or role.
The most common examples are actors or TV stars recording in the latest style, and "rock critical lists", which include:
After the script was finished the actors recorded their lines.
He said another actor recorded new Olivier dialogue, but his image came from assorted films and archives.
Baxter also stated that such actors as himself, Welles and Michael Aldridge recorded voices for several characters in post-production.
Unlike in ordinary episodes, the actors recorded their lines individually, not ensemble as in the show.
Sync sound, which means the actors will record the dialogues during the shoot itself, was used in the film.
In addition, the actor recorded his first live album with record company Musart, entitled The Trip to Spain.