At that time an acquaintance I had not seen for several years came to see me for a minor skin problem.
Let us be away swiftly before the acquaintances of these miscreants come for them.
Thus far no mutual acquaintances had come to light, either.
Please don't tell me what you did expect," she teased, "or our acquaintance will probably come to an abrupt end.
"It's always a relief to confirm that an acquaintance has come back safely from the front lines."
Nowadays I go there myself only when close friends or old acquaintances have come to town.
An acquaintance and his young wife came by and saw me sitting on the ground.
The family friends and acquaintances came from all religions and castes.
As they almost always would, carefully nurtured acquaintances came through when Brown was ready for a change.
Most acquaintance with music came through playing it.