In these efforts, research shows that senior government officials consistently failed to achieve truth, accountability, institutional reform and reparations for the most serious crimes.
Neither achieves greater accountability of local authorities to the voters, in spite of claims made for the CC.
The party's official platform states that education is best provided by the free market, achieving greater quality, accountability and efficiency with more diversity of school choice.
Greater transparency will help us achieve greater accountability, accessibility and responsiveness.
"These families don't all agree on the proper strategy for achieving accountability in this case," Ms. Albright said.
Beyond that, however, the department lacks the resources to help the states create the complicated, data-driven systems they need to achieve true accountability.
Less clear, but just as important, changing the way local government works is essential to achieving accountability.
We need to bring all our work out into the open and achieve more transparency, accountability and democracy in our governance.
Firstly, to achieve greater accountability through improved presentation and transparency of the budget.
One of my objectives for this budget was to improve transparency and to achieve greater accountability.