Artexte's website includes several research tools for accessing documents in the collection.
Thought to have originated in 2000, for nearly 10 years they accessed documents including emails, technical papers, research, development reports, and business plans.
Clients can access their emails, address book, task management and documents from different places and through various media.
For example, sales people on the road can instantly check stock levels or people who work from home can access internal documents, making communication more effective.
Part of the plan for the building calls for a government information center where the public can access documents throughout the state via computer.
- Can you access original documents (digitised) or just transcripts?
From September 4 to 20, 2008, it accessed documents and uploaded them to a cloud computing service.
In addition, citizens with a legitimate interest may also access private documents stored by public services.
This means investigators cannot access documents, computer data and other information obtained from four companies and trusts based in.
Over the years, myself and a few close associates have accessed eyes-only documents.