She also criticized him for accepting contributions from the National Rifle Association and other groups.
The bank will, however, accept limited deposits from nonprofit groups.
He accepted the prize, despite controversy and pressure from groups and individuals opposed to the Israeli government.
Mr. Borrego said the party would accept money only from individuals and "social organizations," not from businesses, religious groups or foreign agencies.
Senate aides accept fees for speeches and consulting work, sometimes from groups under their legislative purview.
Council members including Mr. Miller have regularly accepted contributions from groups that do business with city government.
Bookings are only accepted however, from groups of people who have a leader who will be responsible for them.
A. We're accepting pledges from individuals, families and groups.
The hearings will also delve into whether he violated Senate rules in accepting limousine service from outside groups while traveling on personal business.
"They shouldn't accept gifts from private groups."