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Charming, really, but a bit of a blot on the landscape.
Abandoned homes are more than a blot on the landscape.
His idea could help meet the common criticism that turbines are both noisy and a blot on the landscape.
Some Americans oppose windmills as a blot on the landscape, but Japanese seem less concerned.
Is it a blot on the landscape?
When the mine closed the enormous workings were left as a blot on the landscape of the Troodos.
Having watched this building going up my opinion is it is a blot on the landscape, just a box with no redeeming features.
Instead of letting yet another premises become a blot on the landscape it has been transformed into an upmarket shop of worth.
The 2010 survey also showed that 52% disagreed with the statement that wind farms are "ugly and a blot on the landscape".
and they'd be a blot on the landscape to put it mildly,
"To some, wind turbines are a blot on the landscape whereas to others they are elegant workhorses, but this reaction is highly subjective.
"It was an opportunity to make a statement about infrastructure that could simply not be a blot on the landscape but contribute to it," Mr. Festa said.
Is there some form of conspiracy going on here - so that the majority are led to believe renewable energy is overly-expensive, a blot on the landscape and unreliable?
With any excavating job you can avoid creating a blot on the landscape for months after by slicing the turf off in strips, so that it can later be relaid.
A RUSTY old gasometer which fed-up local residents want demolished because 'it's a blot on the landscape' has been compared to some of Italy's most beautiful buildings.
If the issue was not taken head on, he said, and the movement towards unification became precipitate or unorganised, it would not merely be a blot on the landscape, it would 'rock the continent.'
Unfortunately, although the visually attractive chimney has been removed, the visually offensive derelict sixties-style block buildings, several storeys in height, are still standing, ungraciously draped with green netting, as a blot on the landscape.
The remains of the village were destroyed in 1965 as part of a government operation to clear the country of abandoned villages, which were regarded by the Israel Land Administration as "a blot on the landscape".
Although the villages or "ghost towns" and the former gold mines are a blot on the landscape, they are a big attraction and there have even been concerts hosted at the site of the former gold mine.
If there is a blot on the landscape, it comes in the form of Uefa's Financial Fair Play regulations and City face a real challenge to comply with FFP before the deadline arrives in 2015.
But in a little twerp of a town like Blue Deer, Mont. - population 3,872, altitude 4,500 feet, hunkered down between the Crazy Mountains and the Absaroka Range of the Rockies - every felony is a blot on the landscape.
If cars are not piled up as high in scrap yards as they used to be and are less of a blot on the landscape, that has something to do with the considerable extent to which parts of cars can be reused and recycled.
Vince appeared twice on TV as a pottery expert on the Channel 4 program, Time Team: in series 7, episode 10 (Sutton, Hereford) and series 10, episode 11 (Not a Blot on the Landscape, Castle Howard, Yorkshire).