I'd be astounded if any YouTube viewers had any concept of Ofcom's broadcasting regulations.
In this case it was people getting a whole ton of - YouTube viewers getting a bunch of pop-ups, and some redirections to adult websites.
It has also been watched by 9,355 YouTube viewers and provoked 94 comments.
Following the theme of the album's title, entrants were to photoshop various items onto a picture of Taryn's face with the winner selected by YouTube viewers.
"OK," wrote one YouTube viewer, "this is definitely a sign of the end of the world."
His video, "Skiing the Beach," has now been watched by almost 12,000 YouTube viewers.
The first address had been viewed by 600,000 YouTube viewers by the next afternoon.
The video is a cry of outrage, and there is a decent translation from a YouTube viewer:
They were selected for their familiarity to young British YouTube viewers and to "act as Pied Pipers to the teen audience".
Cinkle herself was the target of many malicious comments by YouTube viewers.