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All things considered, the Yiddishism "Enough already" comes to mind.
When a Yiddishism takes root in Riyadh, that's saying something.
He did not stop with what came to be called "Yiddishism", but devoted himself to the cause of Zionism as well.
That's because it is not a Yiddishism.
What is the future of Yiddishism?
The use of that apparent Yiddishism in covering an Arab event struck me as amusing.
Lieberman used the Yiddishism shtick to mean "comic routine; line of patter."
We have seen how this Yiddishism has been thoroughly assimilated and is now an Americanism.
It's the only Yiddishism I made up.
There, indeed, the Yiddishism is so spelled, and defined as "knickknack, collectible, trinket."
That New York politicians resort to an occasional Yiddishism, whether or not they’re Jewish, is an old story.
Asked for his definition of the Yiddishism, Jenkins replied, "A hackneyed act or comedian's routine that's getting a little tired."
He accused Mr. Schumer of unfairly casting the Yiddishism as a religious or ethnic slur.
In this speech were first laid the foundations of Yiddishism, which subsequently became deeply rooted in Eastern Europe and America.
If I may borrow a Yiddishism Shlomo favors throughout "Soul Doctor": gevalt.
(That's not a totally gratuitous Yiddishism: one of the Slivenowicz dogs is named Trayf.)
It developed a perspective drawing on the tradition of the Bund, stressing Yiddishism, cultural pluralism and a commitment to the vitality of the diaspora.
Wimp is not an acronym; the slang term, which has aggressively shoved aside the Yiddishism nebbish, is based on the verb whimper.
Will the Yiddishism, now firmly established as New Yorkese and taking root as an Americanism, be contained within these shores?
Though some noodges will dispute this, in the Yiddishism the oo is pronounced as in look rather than the oo in stooge.
(Duplicating a word, with the sound "shm" substituted for the first letter, is a Yiddishism gaining in use in American speech to denote hearty derision.)
Straucher supported maintaining tight connections between Jews and Bukovina Germans while endorsing a personal version of Jewish autonomism and Yiddishism.
Synonymous with "jerk" or the more recent "nerd," shnook is an Americanized Yiddishism probably derived from the German Schnucke, "a small or weak sheep."
When I came, at age 21, into the Workmen's Circle shule in Toronto, I had so much eagerness, energy, and faith in socialism and in Yiddishism.
In retrospect, Mr. D'Amato conceded some shortcomings and outright gaffes in his re-election campaign, including his use of a vulgar Yiddishism in belittling his opponent.