The screenplay doesn't go into details of Zeman's secret past as a Western agent.
He alleged that a conspiracy within the party by Western agents led him to be sidelined.
In the meantime, he was sending Western agents to their deaths.
Before crossing over into the waiting arms of Western agents, Karla stops and lights a new Camel.
Probably,' the MI5 man interjected with a thoughtful stroke of his beard, 'to stop themselves being sent to the camps as Western agents.
He also negotiated the exchange of Günter Guillaume in 1981, for captured Western agents.
Western agents - including our own - have verified they have simply vanished.
"Now they know all about American publishers, they're beginning to be represented by Western agents and there are full-fledged auctions for some of their books."
During the protests Russian media portrayed the Ukrainian protesters as irresponsible, led astray by Western agents.
He said he was reluctant to request political asylum in the West for fear of being accused of being a Western agent.