Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Pretty soon, she could take care of the whole thing with one wavy line.
All there was to go on for, along that wavy line outside.
He put the stick in the wavy line that was the road.
I want to know what those bands and wavy lines really mean.
Channeling would not help him find the wavy lines, though.
There was little to examine except a series of wavy lines.
It still has the characteristic dark wavy lines near the eye.
With his finger he drew a wavy line in the sand.
It shows two silver wavy lines on a green background.
A female is usually gray and has a series of dark, wavy lines across her back.
Some have the factory mark, three wavy lines one atop another.
I could tell he was disconcerted by the wavy lines around his head.
Another has red wavy lines printed on a gold background.
He pushed across a piece of photographic paper on which was a single wavy line.
A circle divided by a wavy line, with a dot in each side.
The sides and back have many diagonal dark wavy lines.
The time and date are flanked with 3 wavy lines on each side.
He also marked several irregular shapes, and a wavy line.
If one looked closely, the wavy lines formed a profile.
The result would be a single-dimensional world shaped like a wavy line.
The main viewer was a scramble of dark, wavy lines.
One twitching, wavy line expanded across the center of the screen.
Thus-the wavy line which was the base of the design to her thinking.
A windmill is in the clear window with the raised wavy lines.
The heat sat in wavy lines along the street.