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Finally, you must also pay for the Warm Home Discount.
It will go into the pot for those who face fuel poverty and receive support from the Warm Home Discount.
She said the industry already operated a Warm Home Discount scheme to provide support for vulnerable households.
It will mean help of £135 on coming winter bills for those who are eligible for the Warm Home Discount.
The Warm Home Discount Scheme was launched in April 2011.
The settlement, the company said, meant that more than 140,000 people on the Warm Home Discount scheme would automatically receive payments of around £50 each.
On top of the Warm Home Discount, some energy firms offer specialist tariffs for the elderly which mean cheaper prices.
The Warm Home Discount is a deduction of £135 off the bills of pensioners.
For example its current Warm Home Discount scheme provides poorer households with a £120 rebate on their bills.
That's because the Warm Home Discount Scheme is only available if you are supplied by a company that has at least 250,000 domestic customers.
What is the Warm Home Discount Scheme?
The Warm Home Discount Scheme will run for four years from winter 2011-12, though the amount of rebate available may vary with each year.
But even once you have established whether you can apply, claiming the Warm Home Discount is proving near-impossible for some.
Warm Home Discount: A measure that can save customers money if they use pre-pay or pay-as-you-use electricity meters.
The new Warm Home Discount will provide £1.1 billion specifically through rebates over the next four years, targeted at the poorest households during the winter months.
Last week, the government announced an industry-funded Warm Home Discount scheme, which offers a £120 rebate off the bills of those considered most vulnerable this winter.
All energy companies should adopt the same wide criteria for the £130 Warm Home Discount and actively encourage their customers most in need to apply for it.
One example is the Warm Home Discount Scheme, available through suppliers and offering low income and vulnerable households rebates of up to £140 on their electricity bills.
The Warm Home Discount is an annual credit – worth £120 this year - made to bills of vulnerable people, such as some in receipt of pension credit.
This was, British Gas said, in addition to the £135 that will be paid to many of these customers who qualify for the Government's Warm Home Discount scheme.
In October last year I received a letter from the government telling me not to miss out on £140 help with my energy costs through the Warm Home Discount scheme.
Energy firms with less than 250,000 customers do not have to pay the Energy Companies Obligation (ECO), or the Warm Home Discount.
Mr Davey said he would reconsider how the ECO scheme and the Warm Home Discount, which adds an estimated £11 to bills, were funded.
"Two million households received cuts to their bills last winter under the Warm Home Discount and the budget will continue to increase each year, up to £320m for 2015/16," a spokesman said.
If you qualify for a rebate paid under the Warm Home Discount Scheme, this will not affect any Cold Weather Payment or Winter Fuel Payment.